Tara Treatment Center
Drug Treatment Center Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Centers Addiction Clinic
A 30 to 42 day residential facility that is focused on recovery from addiction. Tara offers hope to individuals who's lives have been impacted by this deadly disease. Tara, a non-profit organization, prides itself on it's serene location and individualized care.
Tara Treatment Center
6231 South US 31
Franklin IN 46131
Tel: 812 526-2611; 800 397-9978
Fax: 812 526-9949
Located on thirteen acres just south of Indianapolis, Indiana, Tara opened in July, 1985. The serene country setting offers help to those individuals suffering with alcohol and/or drug addictions.
A holistic and multi-faceted approach to recovery blends the concepts of the disease model and the AA/NA 12-Step Programs with various modes of therapy, education, life skills development, and health promoting activities. Tara continues to explore and pioneer new efforts through research, training, and the ever-present commitment to providing the highest quality of service.
At Tara, we believe through continued abstinence people can begin to live life to the fullest.
