La Verna Lodge
Men's Long Term Residential Alcohol and Drug Rehab; La Verna Lodge - A Division of Fairbanks Alcohol & Drug Treatment
Fairbanks is a nonprofit organization focused on recovery from alcohol and other drug problems, serving as a resource to improve the well-being of individuals, families and communities by offering hope and support through its alcohol and drug rehab programs and services.
La Verna Lodge: A Residential Treatment Facility for Men
La Verna Lodge is an extended residential treatment facility for men who are struggling with addiction and have complex recovery issues that require extended treatment. La Verna Lodge provides a recovery program that has proven to have lasting effects on men and their families.
At La Verna Lodge, residents learn to build a foundation for recovery. This residential setting assists in healing from core interactive issues that can endanger sobriety and personal growth. The lodge teaches men life skills, provides recovery tools and instills values that are necessary for a life in recovery.
Residents of La Verna Lodge will experience a peaceful, serene, simple and private setting to help refocus on life in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction as well as the opportunity to regain self-sufficiency as they embrace their new life.
La Verna Lodge
1550 E 156th St
Carmel IN 46032-5059
Tel: 317 867-4330; 877 867-4330
La Verna Lodge is an intimate, safe, tranquil and confidential extended residential alcohol and drug addiction treatment facility for men. The lodge is located on heavily wooded grounds of a former private country home which provides an atmosphere where men can safely access the addictions recovery expertise they need.
We welcome inquiries from family members, friends, interventionists, mental health providers and others interested in learning more about La Verna Lodge alcohol and drug rehab.
