Hope House
Offering residential programs for homeless women in recovery from chemical dependency in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Hope House, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization offering State Certified transitional residential programs for homeless women in recovery from chemical dependency in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Our mission is to provide homeless, chemically dependent women with opportunities to pursue recovery and self-sufficiency in a healthy, supportive living environment.

Hope House
1115 Garden St
Fort Wayne IN 46802
Tel: 260 424-2471
E-mail: hope.house@frontier.com

Our mission is to provide homeless, chemically dependent women with opportunities to pursue recovery and self-sufficiency in a healthy, supportive living environment.

Hope House, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization offering State Certified transitional residential programs for homeless women in recovery from chemical dependency. Founded by a small group of women in 1981, Hope House has expanded in both size and scope of services throughout the past twenty-six years. Today, Hope House offers services to 20 residential clients in two transitional residences in the West Central neighborhood of Fort Wayne. One home, called Hope House 1 at 1115 Garden Street, has beds for 12 women. The other home, just a few doors down at 1129 Garden Street, is called Martha's Place and houses 8 women.

Both houses are supervised by experienced staff on a 24 hour basis using structured guidelines and individual case management to address client needs. Based on 12-Step recovery, the Hope House program offers on-site support groups and both Alcoholics Anonymous & Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Attendance at meetings, working with a sponsor, and moving through the Twelve Steps are all emphasized as part of a client's progress through our program.

You can learn more about Hope House and view our Form 990 at www.Guidestar.org
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