Hope Academy
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Treatment | Addiction Recovery
Alcohol and drug addiction treatment and recovery center. Fairbanks offers substance abuse programs for adults and adolescents in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Hope Academy
Fairbanks Addiction Treatment Center
8102 Clearvista Pkwy
Indianapolis IN 46256
Tel: 317 572-9356
Hope Academy, the recovery high school at Fairbanks
In the United States, 80% of students relapse from recovery upon returning to their high school after having primary treatment for substance abuse. Hope Academy is Fairbanks' answer to this staggering statistic.
Finding the right environment for a high school student recovering from alcohol and drug addiction can contribute to both academic success and life-long recovery.
Hope Academy is a fully accredited, tuition-free, Indiana public charter high school that provides opportunities for academic achievement, sobriety and personal growth for students and their families.
At Hope Academy, we provide many opportunities to our students.
* A high school diploma that meets all college admission standards
* Core-40 classes
* Extra curricular activities such as art, music and sports
* Leadership opportunities such as yearbook and student council
* Individualized and remedial support learning
We also provide support for students as they pursue higher education or a career by offering college planning, resume writing and interview coaching.
Hope Academy by the Numbers
* Collectively, current students have achieved 5,632 days of sobriety.
* In a recent study, students with 200 or more days of sobriety have shown more than a 40% increase in their grade point average.
* Of the students enrolled at Hope Academy for at least one year, 89% showed growth in their standardized test scores for reading.
* 100% of students are engaged in a recovery and wellness program at Hope Academy.
* The student body represents 15 Indiana counties.
* In a recent study, parents reported a 100% overall satisfaction rate with Hope Academy.
Hope Academy, the recovery high school at Fairbanks can be the answer for you and your child to reach the academic and personal growth goals you have set. Recovery and graduation are possible for your child.
If you would like more information about Hope Academy, please call 317-572-9440 or email lbusch@fairbankscd.org. We are waiting for your call.
