Fairbanks Addiction Treatment Center
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Treatment | Addiction Recovery
Alcohol and drug addiction treatment and recovery center. Fairbanks offers substance abuse programs for adults and adolescents in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Fairbanks Addiction Treatment Center
8102 Clearvista Pkwy
Indianapolis IN 46256
Tel: 317 849-8222; 317 572-9396
Fax: 317 849-1455
Looking for help for alcohol and or drug addiction can be confusing. Where do you go? Who is the best? What kind of treatment is the best for me or a loved one? Can we afford it? Will they participate if I get them there?
These are questions asked by every individual or family looking for help in recovery. We can help you answer these questions and more. As experts in addictions, focused on recovery, we provide the tools you need to get your life back. There is Hope. Recovery is possible.
At Fairbanks, we provide individualized care. That means we listen to you, ask questions about your use of alcohol and/or drugs, your medical history and how your use has affected your life. Together, we then create a customized recovery plan that works for you.
If you or a loved one has a problem with alcohol or drugs, we can help. Use our website to find out more about our rehab and recovery programs, and when you are ready, give us a call. We’ll be here, ready to answer your questions.
