Cummins Behavioral Health Systems - Montgomery County
"Your partner on the road to recovery."
Welcome from all of the staff at Cummins Behavioral Health Systems. Cummins has been a provider of comprehensive mental health and addiction services for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults in Indiana since 1972.
Join CEO Ann Borders in discussion at Behavioral Healthcare's web site. Go to to access her blog.
Our Mission
To promote recovery and to enhance the quality of life in our communities by providing and advancing exemplary behavioral health services.
Our Vision
As a result of our personal leadership and our partnerships with those we serve:
* Those who come to us will experience the hope of recovery; will achieve their goals and aspirations; and will experience significant improvement in the quality of their lives;
* Our communities will be stigma free and will view Cummins as its provider and resource of choice; and
* Cummins will positively influence our profession through its leadership, advocacy, and exemplary clinical and administrative practices.
Cummins Behavioral Health Systems, Inc. encourages consumers, family members and community members to report any concerns/complaints regarding safety and quality of care to Cummins staff. Cummins has a clear process by which Cummins' staff will help the individual voice their concern/complaint and provides a means for Cummins to provide an expedient and respectful response. If the reporting individual believes that Cummins has not addressed the concern/complaint, the individual has the right to contact the following external resources:
* Indiana Department of Mental Health and Addiction Consumer Service Line at 1-800-901-1133
* Protection and Advocacy at 317-722-5555, 1-812-462-3286, 1-800-462-4845, 317-722-5563, or 1-800-838-1131
* Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations at 1-800-994-6610
Locations in Avon, Indiana; Crawfordsville, Indiana, Greencastle, Indiana; Indianapolis, Indiana; Lebanon, IN; and Terre Haute, Indiana.
Cummins Behavioral Health Systems
701 Englewood Dr
Crawfordsville IN 47933
Tel: 765 361-9767; 800 606-0099
Fax: 765 361-0374